Monday, September 20, 2010

Implant Imperfections

UGH... I went in to my appointment for nipple consultation knowing I was probably going to need a small revision with the implants I have, but learned that I am going to need to swap out the ones I have for slightly larger ones.  Reason being, these implants I have now are wrinkling.  I have faith in my plastic surgeon and know she wants to have great results and she said, "I can do better."  So, I am swapping out the 700cc implants for either 750cc or 800cc.  I am only nervous because the largest they make is 800!  I hope they don't get too heavy and sag down to my belly button.  I don't know why I started out with a negative because I am grateful to have a doctor that wants me to have the best results and I am sure she will produce beautiful work. 

This surgery will be October 21st.  That backs us up right against Joshua's deployment.  I have decided to forgo the Alaskan winter and hide out in sunny Arizona while the husband is out doing his job.  A sunburn is so much more pleasant than frostbite.  After my surgery and downtime, I will migrate south without coming back to the Last Frontier.  My heart is heavy and sad because I do love Alaska, but it's better for us all to be with family while Joshua is away. 

Because I will be bouncing the new, larger implants, I will not be getting nipples until these settle into place.  That way I'm not pointing in two different directions!  It is funny that I am nervous about going bigger.  I dare go back and hide behind my previous posts about porno boobs and being so worried about having tiny titties!  I am quite pleased with the how things are turning out.  I just never imagined it would be a year later and still working on getting things done.  No wham bam thank you mam here!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I am also getting 800 cc implants Oct 26th I still have my expanders in and I am super excited to get them out and get the Saline implants. I think you will look fabulous! Good Luck to you and your surgery and keep us updated!

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